A half sphere with sensors that translate movement into electronic sounds – this was the musical focal point of a concert project that connected people with wildly different experiences and preconditions in an artistic manner. On February 2nd 2017 pupils of the LVR-Anna-Freud-School stood onstage with music students of the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln and the internationally renowned recorder player Dorothee Oberlinger as part of a concert production.


The Globophone is one of multiple electronic instruments that the LVR-Anna-Freud-School, a special education school for physical and motoric development, has conceptualized and developed. It offers pupils a musical tool but at the same time is also an interesting artistic challenge for professional musicians. This led to the idea of a collaboration between the school and students of the conservatory, and with it, the opportunity for all to actively shape inclusion.

Two pieces for Globophone, by Gregor Schwellenbach and Marcus Beuter, were premiered on October 31st 2016 at the 3rd ZettEmm in the Alte Feuerwache in Cologne. In the leadup to this concert a third composition for Globophone was developed: conservatory students and pupils worked together on experimental pieces and a concept for direction and movement was designed with the goal to show that the diversity of participants is a resource and to offer audiences a musical adventure of the highest quality.


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