“Die Guten geh’n im gleichen Schritt. Ohne von ihnen zu wissen, tanzen die andern um sie die Tänze der Zeit.“ (The good walk at the same pace. The others dance the dances of time around them without knowing of them.)
KAFKA-FRAGMENTE is a concert performance in which György Kurtág’s eponymous song cycle for soprano and violin is interpreted in a staged version and investigated with improvisational approaches.
Kurtág’s Kafka Fragments are drifting, seemingly unconnected scraps of words, which sometimes create a whole world in milliseconds and other times elicit a feeling. Kurtág collected sentences and words from Franz Kafka’s diaries and letters and composed a cycle for soprano and violin. This arrangement in itself is evidence for the need to reduce everything to the bare minimum. Kafka’s writing, as well as this minimal ensemble leave room for hearing your breath, your thoughts. Under the direction of Malin Nagel dramaturgical and theatrical tools are used to approach this piece while respecting the dimension of Kafka’s language.