What do we mean when we say “concert” these days? What does a concert include? The room, the musician, the artist, the instruments, the piece, the audience? The concert has changed more and more over the course of the 20th and 21st century. The goal of the concert performance “Metamorphoses Nocturnes” is to change the concert yet again. The room: concert hall, the Big Top, or theatre stage. The piece: contemporary compositions and arrangements of composer Maximiliano Estudies and director Anna Neubert for piano, Chinese pole, violin, slackline, voice, and dance. The artists: an interdisciplinary ensemble of musicians, acrobats, and dancers. The audience: sees music and hears movement.
The “Metmorphoses Nocturnes” take place in the nocturnal world of dream, the half-conscious, the invisible and inconceivable: Does this world offer refuge for the individual bombarded by consumerism, information, and performance pressure? Is there a chance here – unchecked by the light of day – for the transformation of self, for the development of values, and for the gaining of (self-)awareness?
The concert performance “Metamorphoses Nocturnes” is a collaboration between the Kölner Verein für Neuen Zirkus Atemzug e.V. and students of the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln and the Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen, supported through the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln and ON Neue Musik Köln. Atemzug e.V. is an organization of young professional artists who work to connect the art forms of music, dance, acting, and film with artistry. The art forms are embedded in choreographies and linked via an overarching theme in one coherent whole. Atemzug focusses on experimental approaches and the aim of finding new presentation forms that include artistic media.
The interdisciplinary approach of the production receives additional depth through and is inspired by the exchange with designer Charlotte Triebus, whose research on the notation of artistic processes is used in genre transcending works.