Anna Neubert_©niclasweber_-16


“What does it mean to be a musician in the 21st century?”

“To always navigate between what I as a violinist want to be and do not want to be. To climb freely beyond the confines of genres and branches in the search of musical expressions of the world and oneself.
To let oneself be fascinated by the silhouettes of the new and the unknown in their moments of creation as well as by the musical landscapes of the past.
To live as many of the fragile, fleeting moments in which music becomes an existential, interpersonal experience as possible.“

Als Geigerin, Master of Desaster von ensemble uBu oder „Komplizin“ anderer Künstler*innen spielt, inszeniert und infiltriert Anna Neubert Konzertsettings, bisher zu erleben u.a. bei den Schwetzinger Festspielen, AchtBrücken Festival, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Villa Massimo Rom, auch in diversen Kulturbunkern und Kitas.


Seit der Konzertperformance SEILTÄNZER (2013) führte sie Konzertregie bei Projekten mit dem Kölner Verein für zeitgenössischen Zirkus (METAMORPHOSES NOCTURNES 2015), dem ZAMUS Köln (TRAUMWANDEL 2016), der B.A.-Zimmermann-Gesellschaft (PRÉSENCE 2016), für das Kooperationsprojekt AUF.ZU – EIN KONTAKTKONZERT (2017), für die Reihe INTERVALL der Deutschen Kammerphilharmonie Bremen (WEBERN_BEWEGT 2019) und zuletzt bei der digitalen Konzertexperience THIS IS A CONCERT (2023).

Further, Anna Neubert has been collaborating with textile artist Nicole Kiersz on research of the intersections of music and weaving since 2020.

Weiterhin ist sie als Geigerin und Performerin in Konzerten von electronicID, in Produktionen der Jungen Oper am Rhein und der Jungen Opern Dortmund/Bonn, im Duo mit dem Gitarristen Leonhard Spies und gemeinsam mit der Sopranistin Marie Heeschen in einer szenischen Fassung von G. Kurtágs Kafka-Fragmenten zu erleben.

After studying classical violin in Cologne and Paris Anna Neubert has specialized in the critical interpretation of contemporary music, for example through participation at the Lucerne Festival Academy.

Anna Neubert has received numerous prizes and scholarships, for example at the International Alois Kottmann Competition and from the Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Foundation. Together with the trio uBu she won the Boris Pergamenschikow Prize in 2016. She was a fellow of the Akademie Concerto21 of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation in 2018 and received a start.up scholarship of the Claussen-Simon Foundation running from 2018 to 2020.





“[…] Neubert is as much a virtuoso musician as an emphatic performer. Under the direction of Malin Nagel the evening itself was as Kafkaesque as the text: sometimes mysterious, thought provoking, and deeply impressive.” (Bonner Generalanzeiger, Guido Krawinkel)


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